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Food processing

Main brands:

, Ata, Aucouturier, Braibanti, Haas, Incalfer

Food processing
The food industry uses a variety of equipment for food processing, ranging from initial preparation to final production. Here are some of the common equipment used in food processing:

Crushers and Grinders:

Used to reduce the size of raw ingredients, meat, grains, etc.
Mixers and Agitators:

Drum mixers, ribbon mixers, and paddle mixers are common for combining different ingredients.
Cookers and Ovens:

Convection ovens, conveyor ovens, and steam cookers are employed to cook and bake foods.
Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment:

Freezing tunnels, quick freezers, cold rooms to preserve and freeze food.
Extrusion Machines:

Used to process foods such as pasta, cereals, and snacks.
Filtration Equipment:

Filters of different types to remove impurities, particles or sediments.
Pasteurizers and Sterilizers:

Used to eliminate microorganisms and extend the shelf life of food.

They are used to make the texture of liquids and semi-solid products uniform.
Dryers and Dehydrators:

Used to remove moisture from foods, such as dried fruits and dehydrated vegetables.
Thermal Processing Equipment:

They include heaters and heat exchangers to process food at high temperatures.
Cutting and Slicing Equipment:

Vegetable cutters, meat slicers and other devices for preparing foods in specific sizes.
Grinding Systems:

Mills and grinding systems to transform grains into flour or powders.
Separator and Classifier Equipment:

Sieves and classifiers to separate different particle sizes.
Dosing and Weighing Equipment:

Scales, dosers and meters to ensure precision in ingredient proportions.
Cooling Tunnels:

Used to reduce the temperature of food after cooking.
Reactors and Mixing Tanks:

Used for specific processes, such as fermentation and production of certain chemicals.
Extraction Equipment:

Presses and extractors to obtain oils, juices or specific compounds from raw materials.
Industrial line continues for wafer fabrication
Industrial line continues for wafer fabrication

Company code: 636-647

Brand: Aucouturier, Haas

Wafer fabrication line.
Located in Tunis, Tunisia.

Descriptions of equipment.
waffer of brand: Haas.
model: Swakt 64.
year: 1994.
dimensions: 290 mm x 500 mm.
voltage: 3 x 220 V, 50 HZ, N/.

cooling ARC brand:...
Traditional company in the area of food
Traditional company in the area of food

Company code: 380-358

Traditional company in the food area established in the State of São Paulo, currently producing roasted peanuts, peanut candy, wafer type, with great penetration in the domestic market.
we have fiscal dossier, structural, logistical and marketing i...

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.

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Imobiliária Empresarial - Street Antonio Blanco, 1451 - Jardim Sao Joao Batista
ZIP Code: 13567-060 - Sao Carlos / SP - Brazil


Sales: +55 (16) 3361-6681 / 3361-6682 / 3419-4644

Administrative: +55 (16) 3419-4648

Visitation: Schedule date for visitation and check equipment availability. Merely illustrative images.